I think this is my favorite quote from one of the clerks at a salon regarding tanning:
"You need to have it to live."Would probably be funny if so many people didn't believe it (or *want* to believe it) when going to tanning salons. People can do what they want obviously but they really should be aware of the risks and not expect an unbiased opinion from the employees at a tanning salon.
Excerpts from the 7News online article:
In an undercover investigation, 7NEWS Investigators found that tanning salons are not only targeting young women, but some are not telling the truth about the dangers of lying in the beds.
7NEWS Investigators took a hidden camera into area tanning salons and found that some clerks made sales pitches that sound like spending time on a tanning bed is absolutely safe and can actually provide essential health benefits.
Never did the clerks mention the dangers of skin cancer.
"Tanning is completely natural," a tanning clerk said. "You need to have it to live."
"The UVA is going to be safer, just because it's not the burning ray," another clerk said.
"They are all safe. It's all under a controlled environment," a third clerk said.
The sales pitches said tanning indoors is a great thing for someone's body with little risk to his or her health.
"If people frequent tanning salons, they're putting themselves at risk for tremendous UV exposure, which leads to skin cancer and has been proven to lead to skin cancer," said Denver dermatologist Dr. Joel Cohen.
Cohen chairs the education committee for a national surgeons group. He deals with skin cancer and its devastating effects.
"There are decades of research showing that UVB is associated with the formation of skin cancer," Cohen said. "There are newer studies showing that UVA is definitely involved with the formation of melanoma and basal cell carcinoma. And the two in combination is much more damaging."
I saw a site on the cancer blog about a girl who is trying to get surgeon general warnings on all tanning beds. You might want to check her out her name is Miss Melanoma. I saw her on http://www.thecancerblog.com/category/skin-cancer/
Actually the one clerk was correct, you do need UV rays to live, but it needs to be done in moderation. Most of the others are idiots and bad representation for the indoor tanning industry.
I think there's such a huge misconception as to what tanning really is and what it means (http://myfacialfacts.com/index.php/2008/05/09/how-does-a-tan-contribute-to-sun-damage/) The people that work at tanning salons are not educated on the skin and use the explanations they're taught.
If you click the link above, there's some great information on how to protect your skin, especially now during the summer months.
So, so very important!
The Derma Divas
You've probably heard of this, but here's a similar organization:
They distribute educational materials to public schools. Their videos and classroom resources are GREAT! Very useful if you need to make public presentations, teach sun safety lessons, etc. I use them (and my own scars) to teach my high school students and my fellow lifeguards in the summers.
Having a tan can make one appear thinner, healthier, and more attractive. Cellulite is less noticeable on tanned skin. The body can benefit from some moderate UV exposure. Vitamin D is made in the skin through exposure to UVB rays. UVB rays have also been shown to help relieve psoriasis and eczema, in small doses of course.Use safe tanning beds from commercialtanningbeds.net.
Though I do believe that people really need UV rays or in health term.. vitamin D, it should still be in moderation. Anything that is in excess is already unhealthy. But of course, tanning salon should know all of these requirements so that their customers will not only have a perfect tanned skin but also healthy-looking. And this is what we always believe in at http://www.esbtans.com/.
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