Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Cancer-fighting Curry

New research is suggesting that one of the spices in curry can fight melanoma along with other cancers. This exciting new information is from researchers at the world-renowned M. D. Anderson Cancer Centre so this sounds legit. I think we're going to be hearing more on this one in the coming months.

This news of course begs for an answer to an obvious question...

"The incidence of the top four cancers in the U.S. - colon, breast, prostate, and lung - is ten times lower in India." (Bharat B. Aggarwal, Ph.D., professor of cancer medicine in the Department of Experimental Therapeutics)

From the M.D. Anderson Press Release.

Press Release from M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Hindustan Times

Excerpts from CNN:

The compound that makes curry yellow could help fight skin cancer, U.S. researchers reported Monday.

They said curcumin, found in the spice turmeric, interferes with melanoma cells.

Tests in laboratory dishes show that curcumin made melanoma skin cancer cells more likely to self-destruct in a process known as apoptosis.

The same team has found that curcumin helped stop the spread of breast cancer tumor cells to the lungs of mice.

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